Congrats Arizona on our 5 star rating from the Grand Lodge for a seventh year. 

Welcome to the great state of Arizona, the home of one of the many wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon. AEA President Sue Krausman thanks all visitors for stopping by to see what our Association is doing.

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Our State Major Projects are the Steele Children’s Research Center at the University of Arizona and the Youth Camp in Globe, AZ.

Want information on how to join our Order or information about a Lodge near you! Click the here to inquire.

Click to see photos of your 2024-25 Arizona Elks Association Officers, Appointees, Grand Lodge Representatives, along with their spouses.

The State President’s Motto:

“Spread the Joy”

The State President’s Monthly Message: 

February 2025

Brother and Sister Elks,

January was a busy month and February is shaping up to be the same.  While I know this message is supposed to be about the second month of the year, I would be remiss if I did not tell you about the fun I had representing you in Pasadena and the Rose Bowl Parade.  The Nevada and Utah State Presidents and I started with working on the Elks Float.  Such a dynamic theme about the many camps we support throughout our great nation.  Arizona was mentioned in the synopsis; YOU are to thank for that with all the hard work YOU do to make it successful.  The process is so organized with a million and ten volunteers in that warehouse.  Jimm and I worked in the preparation tent where tables of teams stripped thorns and leaves, measured stems, and placed the roses into little vials.  Jimm and I collected the refuse from each station and dumped it into a huge dumpster.  Yes, your State President collected garbage in the name of Elkdom!  Later that day I helped remove misplaced flowers where the previous day’s crew put the wrong color down.  If you remember the tall pine tree next to the Elk, Jimm helped put it there.  That evening we attended a special dinner honoring our Grand Exalted Ruler and First Lady.  They are very nice and every Arizona Elk will have the opportunity to meet them at our May convention.  When you do, please welcome them to our wonderful state.  It will be after California’s this year, so it will be good for them to relax.

The next day had us back at the Pasadena Elks Lodge for the parade.  I must say having a President’s badge helped in our favor, because we sat in the front row.  If you were looking, Jimm had his Arizona Red cap on so he could be spotted.  I was so excited and waved to everyone passing.  The bands, horses, cars, and especially the floats were AWESOME!  Ours was so beautiful and everyone in the stands cheered when it was revealed it won the Americana Award.  What is so important to remember is this float was paid for with bought pins and donated money; Elks money.  Be proud, be happy, and know if you want to work on the float next year, Pasadena Elks Lodge will have a link to the volunteer site.  You do not need to be the Arizona State President, only a person proud to be an Elk.

So, February is the month the district Hoop Shoots finish and the resulting State Shoot is held on the 8th in Apache Junction.  Two weeks after that, the Regional Hoop Shoot is held in Nevada.  We will have one child for each category representing Arizona on the Junk Food Express with their families along for moral support.  Past President Kayal had the pleasure to take a winner to Chicago last year and I am crossing my fingers and toes Jimm and I get to experience that trip.  Chairman Gregg and his Lady Jeanne work so hard on this committee.  Listening to him paint a picture of all things done at the National Shoot makes me drool.  Not a very good look for a President!

February also has a statute requirement for our Past Exalted Rulers.  YOU run the first meeting of this month and are responsible to nominate next year’s Lodge Officers.  This is an important thing you do, as you are showing support to these people.  Some of them have no idea what should be done for the upcoming year.  Be there for them; become a mentor just like you either had or wanted.

Just think Exalted Rulers, YOU still have three months to fulfill those promises YOU made when YOU were installed.  YOU still have three months to accomplish those Grand Lodge programs put aside for other more visible activities.  YOU can invite non-Elks to become part of the Best People on Earth.  This sounds like a lot of work, but YOU have your Officers and members to help do everything.  Do not do it all yourself.  Lead, teach, and guide those around you.  But more importantly, SPREAD THE JOY of being an Elk.

I am going to take this time to plug the First Gentleman’s project.  His pin represents Emily Victoria Laaff.  Many have already heard his story, but let me synopsize.  Emily’s father was a German Officer attending a course at Fort Huachuca.  Jimm’s office supported all the international students there, so he went to pick up Andreas, Debra, and Emily from the Tucson Airport.  Emily and Jimm formed an instant bond then and there.  Right before Andreas graduated Emily got sick and was diagnosed with leukemia.  That is where Steele comes in to play.  Jimm called the current Executive Director and then the hospital liaison to get her into the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit.  His pin is a tracing of the initial picture taken the night she was admitted.  Long story short, after rounds of chemo, the doctors diagnosed a second form of cancer, resulting in Emily dying July 2001.  I know heart breaking.  Jimm asked the Laaff family if he could use Emily’s story to help raise money for Pediatric Cancer Research.  So that is the background of his project.  Now the plug – on March 22nd, Sergeant-at-Arms Shawnee Carlile is organizing a fundraiser being held at Tucson East Lodge 2532.  If you are so inclined, her information is in the directory.  Thank you for taking the time to think about this; as he says, one dollar is closer than before.

Happy Valentine Day to all the Elks in Arizona.  Jimm and I will be taking a cruise from Galveston, TX down to the Panama Canal (and back) to celebrate our 48th wedding anniversary.  Have a great day; I know we will.



Susan “Sue” Krausman, President
Arizona Elks Association

Online Forms

Check out our Online Forms page we’ve got set up. Maybe you’ll find an easier way of sending data to the appropriate person in the Arizona Elks Association.

Elks Training

Take the Training Quiz # 11 Today! You will not be graded, however you will be able to grade yourself after submitting your answers. Please take the quiz today!

Arizona Elks Red Vest Order Form

If you’re planning on heading to Austin for the 2024 Grand Lodge Convention order your RED VEST TODAY and show your Arizona Spirit and comradery.

Red Vests Order Form

We offer the Arizona Elks Red Vests in sizes S, M, L, XL, and XXL. You can have your vest with or without a front pocket.

You have the option of Jerry Grimes from Kingman, picking up your vest for you, or you may have the vest delivered to your home.

Click on the Red Vest Order Form link above and email it. Contact information is on the form

* * * Ladies * * * * Jewelry Project * * * * Update * * * *

Thank you AEA Ladies and friends for all the jewelry donated to the AEA Jewelry Project. At the May convention in Tempe I reported the following:

  1. The Jewelry Project is under the guidance of the Past State President’s Spouses
  2. In one year we served over 1,100 children, patients of the six AEA  Elks Clinics [our original clinic at the hospital, North Hills, Orange Grove, La Cholla, Glendale, Mesa] and the Steele Children’s Hospital plus, three Clothe a Child events held in Yuma, Kearny and Chandler chose over 2,500 pieces of jewelry for their Mothers, Grandmothers, Nanas or favorite nurse.
  3. This was accomplished without using any funding from AEA or Major Projects

For further information please contact me with questions at any time via [email protected] or phone 520-235-5598.

Thank You! It will make your heart swell with pride and accomplishment!

Diane Skorupski

Have a question about our Arizona Elks State Association or about the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks?

Contact Us!