Congrats Arizona on our 5 star rating from the Grand Lodge for a seventh year. 

Welcome to the great state of Arizona, the home of one of the many wonders of the world, the Grand Canyon. AEA President Sue Krausman thanks all visitors for stopping by to see what our Association is doing.

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To Register you must be a member in the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks. With this registration you will gain access to certain documents such as our AEA Directory, Monthly Newsletters, other things that are only privileged to our members.

*** The 109th Mid-year Convention Form is now online and can be accessed here Convention Registration Form or on the Meetings Committee page here —> Meetings   ***

Our State Major Projects are the Steele Children’s Research Center at the University of Arizona and the Youth Camp in Globe, AZ.

Want information on how to join our Order or information about a Lodge near you! Click the here to inquire.

Click to see photos of your 2024-25 Arizona Elks Association Officers, Appointees, Grand Lodge Representatives, along with their spouses.

The State President’s Motto:

“Spread the Joy”

The State President’s Monthly Message: 

June 2024

Brother and Sister Elks,

Happy June Fellow Elks.  Thank you all for your support on my journey to be your State President.  Like every President before me, I had the privilege to represent you at the California-Hawaii Elks Association State Convention soon after I was installed.  I listened to many reports and saw their members receive accolades.  Our State Co-Sponsors PGER Jim Grillo and PGER Bob Duitsman gave them advice on how to better the Order.  Grand Exalted Ruler Randy Shook spoke about how great it is to Be an Elk!  Then I got up to talk.  I told them California Elks are just like Arizona Elks.  They work hard for their youth, veterans, and communities.  We do this with 43 to their 150+ lodges!  We both do the work Grand Lodge asks of us.  Quesadilla and grilled cheese sandwich – they are the same but different.  I sure am proud to be an Arizona Elk.

Hoop Shoot was emphasized at our State Convention.  Too many lodges are stepping back and not holding shoots.  Grand Lodge is very unhappy with the decrease in shooters.  Rumor has it if we don’t do our job, they may stop supporting the program.  If you are having trouble getting kids to participate, here are a few suggestions given by former educators.

Talk to the school system’s Superintendent.  Every school has a coach.  Explain what the Hoop Shoot is about and how it is a non-contact event.  None of their students can get hurt shooting.  Go to your city’s community center and see if they have a basketball program.  If so, set up something after a tournament.  Speak to the summer program coordinator.  Yes, summertime.  I don’t remember a rule about this being a winter sport.  Oh, and don’t forget the Boys and Girls Clubs.

We are coming up on the summer Elk migration.  If you do travel to live in a cooler climate, remember your home Lodge while you are away.  Read your newsletter and support activities if you can.  Arizona’s State Motto is “Ditat Deus” which means God Enriches.  Before we take our obligation, we are asked if we believe in God.  Maybe that is why we live in our beautiful, sunny State.  Stay safe on your journey.

Jimm and I look forward to seeing as many Elks as possible during our visits, official or unofficial.  Come see us and tell me a joke.  I love laughing.  I am having so much fun “Spreading the Joy” of Elkdom.



Susan “Sue” Krausman, President
Arizona Elks Association

Online Forms

Check out our Online Forms page we’ve got set up. Maybe you’ll find an easier way of sending data to the appropriate person in the Arizona Elks Association.

Elks Training

Take the Training Quiz # 11 Today! You will not be graded, however you will be able to grade yourself after submitting your answers. Please take the quiz today!

Arizona Elks Red Vest Order Form

If you’re planning on heading to Austin for the 2024 Grand Lodge Convention order your RED VEST TODAY and show your Arizona Spirit and comradery.

Red Vests Order Form

We offer the Arizona Elks Red Vests in sizes S, M, L, XL, and XXL. You can have your vest with or without a front pocket.

You have the option of Jerry Grimes from Kingman, picking up your vest for you, or you may have the vest delivered to your home.

Click on the Red Vest Order Form link above and email it. Contact information is on the form

* * * Ladies * * * * Jewelry Project * * * * Update * * * *

Thank you AEA Ladies and friends for all the jewelry donated to the AEA Jewelry Project. At the May convention in Tempe I reported the following:

  1. The Jewelry Project is under the guidance of the Past State President’s Spouses
  2. In one year we served over 1,100 children, patients of the six AEA  Elks Clinics [our original clinic at the hospital, North Hills, Orange Grove, La Cholla, Glendale, Mesa] and the Steele Children’s Hospital plus, three Clothe a Child events held in Yuma, Kearny and Chandler chose over 2,500 pieces of jewelry for their Mothers, Grandmothers, Nanas or favorite nurse.
  3. This was accomplished without using any funding from AEA or Major Projects

For further information please contact me with questions at any time via [email protected] or phone 520-235-5598.

Thank You! It will make your heart swell with pride and accomplishment!

Diane Skorupski

Have a question about our Arizona Elks State Association or about the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks?

Contact Us!